Things have been pretty tough recently, right? (understatement). I don't know anyone who hasn't been affected by the current events. So many of us are hitting the wall, the emotional burnout has arrived and our nervous systems are frazzled.
If this is you, I invite you to sign up for my completely free mini audio course, designed to soothe the nervous system. You'll get access to my members only online area where you'll be able to listen and implement each simple tool and technique at your leisure
scroll down to find out more about me

Return to your Authentic Self
and live the life you dream

You are the shining light
When Women heal, the world heals.
You feel everything so very deeply and know you have so much to offer the world but you've been holding back, haven’t you?
Hiding in the shadows because deep down you're afraid of stepping into that light. Into who it is that you really are.
My darling, you've been playing small, shrinking yourself to fit others' expectations of you, dimming down that light.
It's time to reclaim your power.
Too long you have held on to the belief that you are 'too much' and not worthy.
Worried about rocking the boat and upsetting people, so you've played the 'good girl'.
Enough with the people pleasing. Enough with telling yourself that you're not good enough.
I see you caring so deeply for others and for the world we live in.
You've been holding so much, not only for yourself but for the people you love, taking on all their emotions and their own wounds.
But who is holding you?
For a more whole and true society we need whole women who are connected with themselves in their most authentic and wild selves.
I help women just like you to find that connection and embody the feminine energy that takes you from a resistance state to a state of flow (the Feminine Energy) where you are able to recognise the limiting beliefs that hold you back, release the stories and step into your light.
After working with me you will feel like an awakened and powerful goddess, ready and open to all sorts of new and exciting opportunities.
You will transform your relationship with yourself.
Your confidence and self-belief will soar and you'll finally feel grounded in being aligned with your truthful integrity.
You won't just 'know' this stuff on an intellectual level but you will fully embody all of the work.
When you say yes to yourself, you create more freedom not only for you but for those around you, for the people you love and care about.

I'm Lindsay, as a transformational feminine embodiment coach,
I help empathic women to tap into their imagination and wildest dreams, to give themselves permission to want more while still holding onto gratitude and being present.
Are you ready to give yourself permission to want more? MORE Joy, MORE Connection and MORE Purpose?
Are you ready to say yes to yourself?
Perhaps you're at a turning point and feeling scared to take the leap.
I wonder have you ever:
Felt or been told that you are 'too much', yet often you don't feel you are enough?
Felt selfish or ungrateful for wanting more in your life?
Felt you have to settle or compromise, because your dreams are not realistic?
You are not alone! So many other women feel this way too and one of the main ways they hold
themselves back is by not giving themselves full permission to want more.
Can you relate?
I know you care passionately about others and the world we live in.
You're someone who is always taking care of others, putting other's needs above your own.
It's something you've always done, it's who you are and nurturing or caring for others feels good and lifts you up.
Yet you're exhausted and starting to feel burnt out from putting yourself last.
Am I right?
Lately you've come to realise that you are stuck in a cycle of feeling of disconnection from yourself, you have this sense that you're playing small and dimming your light.
You know you have so much to offer this world, if only you could find a way to feel more confident and quiet that inner voice that has been keeping you stuck.
I see you and I understand.
I want you to know that the start of any transformation always begins with your conscious awareness.
I want you to know that there is a way for you to feel more joy, more connection and more purpose.
Can you feel that calling?
It is time for a radical change within.
It is time to return.
To who it is you really are and step into your confident power as your true authentic self.
Are you feeling unfulfilled? Perhaps you've been playing small and feel your confidence sinking?
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